Why we are a house of Low-Tech Toys?
There’s no doubt kids love the latest tech toys available, however they may not be what’s best for them. Low-tech toys have been proven to instigate imagination, especially in kids under 5. Toys should encourage pretending and interacting, and should not be flashy and overstimulating.
If the kids are not outside running, jumping or climbing, they should be playing with toys that help with their cognitive development and creativity.
Here’s 5 things we DON’T do with our toddler as far as her playtime is concerned -
Over Crowded Play Room
Too many items, cluttered spaces, disorganization - all of this can be overwhelming to adults, now imagine a growing baby! Clutter distracts and reduces their focus, which then results in a bored and cranky child. So we make it a point to set a free and exciting environment where my daughter can spend more time exploring and learning.
Toy Chests
We avoid this at all costs. I’ve seen this a handful of times - the child is looking for a specific toy so they then feel the need to flip the toy chest and dump E-V-E-R-Y single toy inside of it. The child eventually finds what they were looking for but now ends up over-simulated and over-whelmed with all the mess. Instead of toy chests, we only keep a certain number of toys outside on the shelf, making it easy to locate. And we store the other ones away and rotate the toys only once a week. That way our daughter is never bored and there is very little scope of making a mess.
This goes hand in hand with battery-operated toys. We only allow our toddler 15-20 mins of screen time a day and while doing so, we are very mindful of what we allow her to watch. And we keep this as our last resort, and if we are able to distract her with other toys, we skip the screen altogether. Now that the weather is getting warmer, we are hoping to spend a lot of time outdoors exploring nature. And for the time we are not outside, we rely on our non-tech, sustainable toys for our child.
Check out Scandiborn for more such fun non-tech toys and more!